function countlines($list,$ctr) {clearstatcache(); if (file_exists($list)) { $lines = file($list); while(list($key, $val) = each($lines)) { if (stristr ($val, "")) { $ctr++; } } } if ($ctr > 0) return("(".$ctr.")");} ?>
You are cool. |
new tactic from the inscrutible spammers
Okay, so now I'm getting spam with veiled Isaac Asimov references in the subject line, like "Custom is a religion life so while the Foundation versus Hober Mallow." That's strange. I guess it's catching my eye, so maybe it's effective.
I'm still not going to open it.
erik 12:34 PM | permalink | yap $commentfile = $DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/archive/comments/116058813820229742.comment"; echo countlines("$commentfile",0); ?>
You are cool. |
big idea: The Bitchun Society
Cory Doctorow's Down and Out in the Magic Kindom come alive at The Bitchun Society
xposted to
erik 9:18 AM | permalink | yap $commentfile = $DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/archive/comments/116005792972980502.comment"; echo countlines("$commentfile",0); ?>